At Air Creations, Inc., we’re proud to offer assistance to businesses in the area as well as homes. We handle heating, air conditioning, and ventilation for small businesses (ones that need HVAC systems 25 tons and under). Today, we want to focus on the ventilation part of our service, because proper ventilation and air balancing in a business is something that’s easy to overlook. Here in New Jersey, with cold winters and warm summers, business owners tend to focus on their heating and air conditioning systems. That’s natural, and of course it’s vital that these comfort systems remain in top shape. But poor ventilation can lead to serious problems.
Air Creations, Inc. Blog
How Proper Ventilation Is Crucial for Your Business
February 20th, 2017
How Does a Zone Control System Work?
February 6th, 2017
Are you concerned about how much energy your home uses each season? We hope you are, because when you take a close look at energy expenditure in your home, you can often pinpoint ways to lower costs. Or, you can work with professionals who will help improve your home to lower those costs.
A method for lowering home energy use that we recommend for houses that use a forced-air heating and cooling system (a furnace and standard air conditioner or a heat pump) is to outfit the HVAC system with a zone heating and cooling, i.e. a zone control system.
Why High Efficiency Furnaces Are So… Highly Efficient?
January 23rd, 2017
The true winter weather is on the way, with colder temperatures and the anticipation of snow. Make sure that you make preparations for the deepest part of the season, such as taking a look at the City of Summit Department of Community Service’s Snow Guidelines and consider if you need to replace your old and untrustworthy furnace with a new, high-efficiency model.
Last week we investigated the rate of return on putting in a high efficiency heating system. This week, we’d like to explain why high efficiency furnaces are able to use so much less energy than other models. What’s the secret behind the high efficiency? It’s more than one thing, as we’ll talk about below.
Should I Upgrade to a Higher Efficiency Heater?
January 16th, 2017
This is a dilemma that many homeowners encounter when it comes to planning for long-term comfort. With furnaces, heat pumps, and boilers on the market that have incredibly high energy efficiency ratings (thanks to huge advances in HVAC technology over the last decade), it’s tempting to make an upgrade to benefit from the energy savings. But is this always the best choice, and will these systems save money in the long run?
Is It Time for a New Commercial Heating System?
January 9th, 2017
If you run a business in New Jersey, one of the nightmare scenarios for winter is a heating system that abruptly gives out. A frigid cold building means unproductive employees, complaining clients and tenants, and customers who will simply go elsewhere. No matter what type of commercial enterprise you run, a dependable heating system is a must.
To help make sure that your heating system continues working, it’s vital to recognize when it’s time to replace it with a new one. Below are some of our tips for when to call us to arrange for a new commercial heating system.
What Is the Best Brand of Heating System?
January 2nd, 2017
We live in a world that is heavily branded, where product brands advertise themselves heavily at every opportunity, and where people talk about brand loyalty: Are you a Starbucks fan or a Coffee Bean fan? Do you go with an Apple iPhone or are you dedicated to your Android?
So it makes sense to ask about the best brands when it comes to something like a furnace or heat pump. Trane, York, Amana, etc. What’s the best brand to have installed when you need great heating for your home?
Odd Heat Pump Behavior That Actually Isn’t Odd
December 26th, 2016
You probably have spent the majority of your life in homes that received their winter heat from a furnace. If this is your first winter using a heat pump for comfort—either because you had it installed in spring/summer or you’ve moved into a house with a heat pump already in place—you might find it does a few surprising things as it switches into heating mode.
Here are two specific things it will do that may seem like malfunctions. They aren’t, however.
The Power of UV Air Purifiers for a Healthier Winter
December 19th, 2016
Winter is not only the season of snow and chilly temperatures, it’s the season of flus and colds. We know that you don’t want to get sick, or for anyone in your household to come down with something. But aside from a few medical preventions and some other precautions, is there much more you can do to protect yourself and your family?
There is a tactic that you might not have thought of: contact HVAC professionals to install a UV air purifier for your house.
Starting a Small Business? Consider Ductless Heating and Cooling!
December 12th, 2016
Starting up a small business is a big deal. There are many decisions to make that the company’s future success may hinge upon. One of those choices is what type of heating and air conditioning system your new location will use. The most common heating and cooling system for businesses is the packaged unit, which is usually housed up on the roof. But if you are looking for something different for a smaller space, heating and cooling that will save you money and give you more room, then you should consider a ductless mini split heat pump.
How to Choose Qualified HVAC Contractors
December 5th, 2016
One of the paradoxes of modern living is the “paradox of choice.” It’s really a variation of the adage, “hundreds of channels on TV and nothing to watch.” When there are so many options available, it’s hard to make a decision for fear that you may end up with a substandard product or service.
We’re aware of how this affects the HVAC industry, because anyone with access to an Internet connection can type in a few search terms to locate a contractor—and come up with an enormous list of possibilities. When you face this dilemma, you’ll want a simple answer to the question: “Who is a qualified HVAC contractor?”